2019 A-B Travel Basketball Scholarship Recipients: Front Row (L/R): Robby Frey (Plymouth State University); Abe Englander (UMass Amherst); Austin Kittredge (University of Pittsburgh); Brayden Ghose (Drexel University). Second Row: President of Girls Basketball David Poplyk; James Costello (Saint Michael’s College); Finn Murray (Kenyon College); Caitlyn O’Sullivan (Cornell University); Kate Maylander (Providence College); Alex Poplyk (Fordham University); President of Boys Basketball Dee Biggs. Not Pictured: Zach Giaconia (Miami University of Ohio); Colin Plucinsky (UMass Amherst); Lily Haverstock (University of Colorado); Clare Simpson (UMass Amherst).
2018 Scholarship Recipients: L/R Adam Sweet
(University of Coloardo at Fort Collins), Coach Robin
Sweet, Jared Roy (Miami University of Ohio), Julia
Bartow (Bentley University), Asa Keohan (Princeton

2017 Scholarship Recipients: L/R Nick Giaconia (Clemson), Andrew Dresser (Bucknell), Abe Watman (Miami of Ohio), Will Otero (San Diego State), Caroline Guzzardi (St. Anslem), Julia Rowland (Hamilton College), Jack Maddox (Clemson), President Dee Biggs.
2016 Scholarship Recipients: L/R Kristin
Ropiak (Northeastern), Max Harrigan
(Bryant Univ), Jake Gotthelf (Univ of RI),
Luke Davidson (Lehigh Univ), Pierce
Capachione (Univ of Conn), Tyler Keohan
(Gettysburg College), Caroline Maxwell
(Bowdoin College), President Dee Biggs.
2015 Scholarship Recipients: L/R James Gnall
(UMass Lowell), Joe Murphy (Westfield State),
Josh Geller (Univ of Delaware); Reid Larsen
(Univ of Michigan); Allie Goddard (Providence),
President Dee Biggs.

2014 Scholarship Recipients L/R: Chris Noeth (UNH), Presenter Bill Noeth, Alex Boyd (Vanderbilt), Annalise McDonald (Vanderbilt), Alec Maylander (University of Tampa). Not pictured: James R. Goguen (UMass Lowell).

2013 Scholarship Recipients. L/R President Dee Biggs, Andrew Sweet (University of Pittsburgh), Billy Jackman (UNH), Abby Kittredge (University of Delaware). Not pictured: Andrew Bartow (University of Delaware).

2012 Scholarship Recipients. Left to Right: President Joe O’Brien, Joey Flannery (PG Year), Jake Pilecki (Bentley University), Elizabeth Belanger (The University of New Hampshire), A.J. Gotthelf (Virginia Tech), Ryan McDonald (Rollins College), Kevin LaFrancis (The University of Maryland at College Park), Jake Fecher (Santa Clara University), Executive Director Josh Hammer.

2011 Scholarship Recipients. Front Row (L-R): David Immerman (Marist College), Mike Morris (Middlesex Community College), Dana Flood (Villanova University), Alex Cates (Union College). Back Row (L-R): President Joe O’Brien, Dani Scheuer (Bryant University), Mary Murphy (Merrimack College), Eric Apgar (Assumption College), Neil Rosenstock (University of Maryland – College Park), Sam Longwell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Rob Goguen (University of Massachusetts Boston), Executive Director Josh Hammer.

2010 Scholarships. P. J. Belanger (University of Dayton), Dana Duquette (Clemson University), Kevin Hughes (Wesleyan College), Kevin McGovern (Boston College), Jeremy Sides (University of Pittsburgh). Presenters Executive Director Josh Hammer and Vice President Dee Biggs.

2009 Scholarship Recipients. L-R: Vice President Dee Biggs, Trevor Larsen (University of Maryland at College Park), Matt Coppolino (Guilford College), John Murphy (Westfield State College), Katie Awiszus (Allegheny College), Andrew Kappel (University of Connecticut), Ryan Apgar (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Executive Director Josh Hammer.

2008 Scholarship Recipients. L-R: President Joe O’Brien, Miles McDonald (Indiana University), Eric LaForest (Virginia Tech), Dave Cronin (Boston College), Dan Matson (Northeastern University), Shane McDonald (Chapman University), Megan Foye (Hobart and William Smith College), Catherine Morris (The University of New Hampshire), and Hayley O’Brien (Stonehill College).

2007 Scholarship Recipients. L-R: Vice President Dee Biggs, Jon Goddard (Colby Sawyer College), Casey Lundberg (Syracuse University), Casey Biggs (The University of Rhode Island), Patrick Morris (Worcester State College), Erin Cartwright (Saint Joseph’s College).

2006 Scholarship Recipients. L-R: Executive Director Josh Hammer, Matt McCusker (Framingham State College), John Magner (Syracuse University), Jill LaForest (Union College), Alex Scheier (Union College), President Joe O’Brien.

2005 Scholarship Recipients. L-R: President Joe O’Brien, Kyle Jackson (Bowdoin College), Joey O’Brien (Villanova University), Mike Horan (Roger Williams College), Executive Director Josh Hammer.