Here you can pay your balance due for the season. We are accepting balances this year via credit card (PayPal) or Venmo. Instructions on how to pay with both are below. Please note – if you are a staff member or head coach, the discount will be credited back to you following payment receipt.
Credit or Debit Card: This is done via PayPal. It’s fine if you don’t have a PayPal Account, just click on “Pay With Credit or Debit Card” at the bottom of the screen when you open the link.
Click on the option (A, B, C, or D) corresponding to the amount you were told is due in the email you received:
** Option A – $300. This is the participation fee only (no uniforms). This really ONLY applies to 5th or 6th grade boys who played travel last winter and got a “new” style uniform jersey and who plan to re-use the jersey and have hand me down shorts from more than two years ago. The “old” style uniforms (royal/gold for boys and navy/white for girls) which many of you have are discontinued so we need everyone to upgrade to the “new” uniform shirt this year.
** Option B – $330. This is the participation fee + a new uniform jersey (no shorts). While the shorts style are also changing with the new uniform shirt, you may reuse your old shorts from two years ago if you want to.
** Option C – $320. This is the participation fee + new uniform shorts (no jersey). This is really applicable to returning 5th and 6th grade boys who have a new uniform jersey from last winter and need a pair of shorts.
** Option D – $350. This is the participation fee + a new uniform jersey + new uniform shorts that match the new uniform shirt style. Pretty much everyone should be selecting Option D – especially if you are new to travel basketball.
VENMO: You may also pay with Venmo. You may look us up via @abtbp or scan the QR code below. Pay the amount that was listed in the email you received. Please also remember to add your son/daughter’s name to the transaction.